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Class Registration

FHNW students only take 3 years of school, aka 6 semesters, to graduate. The way the DAAP curriculum matches up, we are 5th semester students. 

The class list below shows everything taken by 5th semester Visual Communication students thus far. 1 European credit hour (ECTS) is equivalent to 1/2 a US credit hour. The semester equals approximately 15 US credit hours. Let me break down this list for you, because I know how daunting it looks. Co-Create, the last submodule in the first section IAeP Context, is the whole first week of school. The entire HGK (School of Design + Art) is divided into groups and spends a week discussing, exploring, and creating about a certain topic/theory. You can skip the IVK Context section; the Swiss students will begin their Bachelor’s thesis project, but exchange students obviously do not. I’m not sure why Thematic Lesson is split into two submodules, but this basically includes one of your main studios – Information Design. All 5th semester students participate in this studio, which took place on Thursdays and Fridays for me. For the Specialization, you get to pick one of the three areas (similar to DAAP). This will be your other main studio, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The Lecture Series was a weekly, school-wide lecture put on by artists, companies, and other guest lecturers.

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